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Understanding and Addressing Estrogen Deficient Skin

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The effects of estrogen deficiency on women’s skin are just now being recognized. As women get older, they may not realize that the changes in their skin’s appearance are influenced by menopause. There is, in fact, a strong correlation between menopause and the sudden increase in skin concerns, such as dryness and wrinkles. This is because both perimenopause and menopause result in a marked reduction of the female hormone, estrogen, which has an impact on the health of the skin.

Fortunately, there is a new way of addressing Estrogen Deficient Skin. With Emepelle, women can finally celebrate a solution for the skincare concerns brought on before, during, and after menopause that is clinically proven to be safe and effective and is completely non-hormonal. Join us as we explore what Estrogen Deficient Skin (EDS) is, its primary causes, and how to improve it with the right skincare routine.

What Is Estrogen Deficient Skin?

As you age, your estrogen levels slowly decline. This occurs especially during perimenopause, which may begin several years before you stop having menstrual periods. As you go through perimenopause, estrogen levels fluctuate and become unpredictable before dramatically dropping as you approach menopause.

This reduction in estrogen is associated with changes to your skin’s appearance. Whether you’re approaching menopause or are already postmenopausal, if you have noticed new skin concerns, such as dryness or reduced elasticity, you may be experiencing a condition known as Estrogen Deficient Skin.

Estrogen Deficient Skin can occur as a result of women’s estrogen levels naturally decreasing as they age. Because estrogen plays a significant role in skin physiology, estrogen deficiency can lead to a number of changes in the skin.

What Are the Signs of Estrogen Deficient Skin?

How do you know if you’re affected by Estrogen Deficient Skin? With around 1.3 million women entering menopause each year, symptoms associated with estrogen deficiency are a common occurrence. Low levels of estrogen can affect women’s bodies in a number of ways, including changing the skin’s physiology and appearance.

Estrogen Deficient Skin is often characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Dryer and duller skin. Decreasing estrogen levels can cause formerly bright, hydrated skin to become more dull and dry, which leads to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Sagging skin with visible wrinkles. In the first five years of menopause, women lose up to 30% of their dermal collagen, leading to sagging skin that is more apt to develop visible wrinkles.
  • Thinner and more fragile skin. Estrogen Deficient Skin can experience up to a 1.1% decline in skin thickness each year after menopause.
  • Changes to skin around the eyes. Under-eye creping and wrinkles are attributable to estrogen deficiency, along with puffiness, fine lines, and dark circles.

In an interview with Modern Aesthetics, Joel L. Cohen, MD, explains that Estrogen Deficient Skin (EDS) goes untreated for many women. “Many women in their postmenopausal years don’t realize that some skin changes of dryness and laxity are actually due to estrogen deficiency,” he says. “A paucity of study of EDS led to a lack of awareness, and until recently, a lack of viable treatment options.”

Is Estrogen Deficient Skin Caused By Aging?

It goes without saying that women experience changes to their skin as they age, but many women do not realize that estrogen and skin aging are so closely linked.

Estrogen plays an important role in the health of your mature skin. Estrogen binds to receptors in the skin, which has been shown to increase collagen content, improve skin moisture, and accelerate wound healing.</span.

As you age, these receptors become less active as estrogen and collagen decline. It is estimated that collagen production drops by about 1-2% each year after you turn 20. However, skin collagen loss is greatly accelerated during menopause and is more closely correlated with estrogen deficiency than chronological aging.

Do Hormones Impact Estrogen Deficient Skin?

As you get older, changes in hormone production naturally occur. The levels of some hormones increase, while others decrease or stay the same. For women, many of these hormonal changes are linked closely to menopause. During perimenopause, the transitional stage that begins several years before menopause, the body will start producing less estrogen and progesterone. The loss of estrogen is gradual and tends to accelerate during the last few years of the perimenopause stage.

By the time you reach menopause, the body’s production of estrogen will have significantly decreased. Low levels of estrogen are also closely tied to the skin changes that many women notice during perimenopause and menopause.

Surprisingly few women associate their skincare concerns with perimenopause or menopause. As a result, skin treatments for women over 40 tend to focus on general anti-aging concerns or benefits, such as moisturizing and plumping, rather than addressing the root cause of the dryness, wrinkles, and other symptoms of EDS.

How Do You Address Estrogen Deficient Skin?

Some women try to address Estrogen Deficient Skin with hormone replacement therapy (HRT), but this can cause unwanted side effects. Fortunately, there are professional skincare products available that can help. The development of Emepelle, a non-hormonal skincare regimen for Estrogen Deficient Skin, has led to incredible results for women looking to improve their skin without the use of hormones. Unlike other skincare solutions, Emepelle is specifically designed to help women address the root cause of accelerated collagen loss and skin aging that occurs as a result of menopause.

Dr. Cohen explains, “Emepelle is a new category of skincare. This type of topical for EDS hasn’t existed until now. The hero ingredient, Methyl Estradiolpropanoate (MEP), is a non-hormonal way to activate specific skin estrogen receptors.”

Is There Clinical Evidence of MEP Technology’s Effectiveness?

With Empelle’s patented MEP Technology®, you can help restore your skin’s youthful appearance. MEP is clinically proven to safely and effectively address symptoms of Estrogen Deficient Skin. In a clinical study, women saw results after 14 weeks of using Empelle products. The trial revealed a 54% improvement in dryness, 39% improvement in dullness, and a 19% improvement in laxity.

Ready to get smoother, more youthful skin? Explore Emepelle’s line of products, or visit our blog for more information on how to address common skincare concerns.

What Are the Restorative Benefits of MEP Technology?

Emepelle’s patented MEP Technology can help restore youth and vitality to sagging, as well as aging skin after menopause without the systemic effects or risks of estrogen therapies.

Dr. Diane Berson, a New York-based dermatologist, explains the revolutionary effects of MEP: “A woman could be doing everything right. She could be using her antioxidants every day, using the appropriate skin care, using daily sun protection, eating a healthy diet, drinking enough water, and she’s still not going to look her best because she’s missing that one factor after menopause. She’s missing that estrogen factor.”

MEP is a unique ingredient that acts only on the skin and is able to restore lost skin collagen without estrogen replacement. This makes it a great option for menopausal women looking for non-hormonal ways to treat their skincare concerns.</span.

“We now have a novel cosmeceutical agent that can address the signs of Estrogen Deficient Skin. It targets one of the elements that no other cosmeceutical has ever targeted before,” says Berson.

Explore Emepelle Products with MEP Technology

With Emepelle, you’ll be providing your skin with a non-hormonal skincare solution to help improve the appearance of Estrogen Deficient Skin that’s trusted by dermatologists and skincare professionals.

Emepelle Eye Cream, Emepelle Serum, and Night Cream formulated with exclusive MEP Technology are recommended for women who are either in perimenopause or menopause. These skincare products work on all skin types and are fortified with additional ingredients proven to help provide additional anti-aging benefits, such as hyaluronic acid, retinol, or Vitamin E. Learn more about Emepelle’s line of products.